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Things Need to Know About Callback Technology


Callback is related to the phrase calling back to the number from where the user got the call. In technical words, your system will be the source of the new call and the other person will act as a receiver. Generally, the callback feature in a system helps the callers to reduce the rates of their mobile and international calls.

In order to understand the callback technology in detail, we have outlined all the aspects associated with this new technology. Read further:

The Technology…

This technology is considered as a strategic tool that is often accessed in countries where the costs of international calls are bit high. There can be two types of callback services:

  • Prepaid services
  • Postpaid services

The working procedure of this technology can be as follows:

  • The users who want to use the technology triggers the number in order to make calls.
  • With this process, caller Id will be captured and the user can immediately hang up the call.
  • After some time, the user will make a call back to the number by using the captured caller Id.
  • Both the users communicate with each other, and this entire practice results in saving money.
  • If you desire to estimate the cost of call the sum the A-leg cost with B-leg cost.

When it comes to different types of callback solutions, then see below, we have described all the solutions using this technology:

ANI Call Back

The technology of callbacks initiated by calling the trigger number. When one try to make a return call, the user will be recognized either by the related caller id or by the PIN. The next step is to read out the customers’ balance and then prompted to make their call for communication.

Web Call Back

Web Call Back can be applied through a web call back interface. With this interface, the user enters both numbers their own and the number he wishes to call. Next, a call will be launched between the users in which the number is linked with the contact number that is saved into the web interface.

IVR Call Back

It is the process of getting round tone clamping. In this type of call back, the user enters the number they wish to call and then the call is hung up. After some time, the user gets a call back from IVR and on answer, it gets connected with the called user.

DID Call Back

DID call back enters in those cases where the users’ caller ID is not captured reliably. To solve this issue, a discrete DID is allocated to each customer so that trigger their call backs. In this process, the user first launches a call to the predefined number and later on the user enters the contact number to call.